Worry free
travel insurance...
- 14 day money back guarantee
- 24/7 emergency service
- Claims paid in just 10 days
- Most sports & activities covered
- No credit card charges
- Approved by Queensland State Education
- World class insurer
- 24/7 emergency service
Chase Underwriting
Pty LtdChase Underwriting Pty Ltd
GoSafe insurance policies are issued by Chase Underwriting Pty Ltd and Underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd's. Lloyd’s is the world's leading insurance and reinsurance marketplace.
A sample of GoSafe's many testimonials
A simple process to purchase online and it was easy to add all of the students and staff. The best thing is that everyone is basically under one policy which greatly reduces the paperwork. We have purchased online from another company previously and had to complete separate insurance applications for each student and teacher. The GoSafe Travel Insurance is far more efficient.
150 sports &
activities covered -
14 day money back
guarantee14 Day Money Back Guarantee
We are so proud of our service and prices that we even guarantee them!
If you decide to cancel your cover within 14 days of purchase we will refund your money in full assuming that you have not started your trip or made a claim.
We can't be fairer than that!
medical conditions - Claims paid in 10 days
Important - links to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determinations (TMD) are located below.