

The table below is a summary of cover and shows the maximum amounts payable under each section per person. For the full terms and conditions please read our Product Disclosure Statement.

Group Plus
Cancellation fees, loss of deposit & curtailment

You are covered up to the amount shown in
the Schedule of Cover in the event your trip is
necessarily and unavoidably cancelled prior to
departure or curtailed before completion because
of any of the following events first occurring
during the period of insurance:
a. the accidental serious injury, serious illness
or death of you, your relative, your travelling
companion, your business colleague or
person with whom you intend to stay at the
trip destination.
b. medical complications related to a
pregnancy, as certified by your Doctor,
where the expected birth is more than 18
weeks after you are booked to return home.
c. pregnancy that is confirmed during the
period of insurance, where the expected
birth is less than 18 weeks after you are
booked to return home.
d. your receipt of a summons for jury service,
being subpoenaed as a court witness or
being placed in compulsory quarantine.
e. your unexpected requirement for emergency
and unavoidable duty as a member of
the armed forces, police, fire, nursing,
ambulance or coastguard services resulting
in cancellation of previously agreed leave.
f. your redundancy, provided that you are
entitled to payment under the current
redundancy payments legislation and that at
the time of booking your trip you had no
reason to believe that you would be made
g. your presence being required to make your
property safe and secure following fire, flood
or burglary that causes serious damage
to your home occurring within 48 hours of
departure, or whilst you are away.
h. a Government regulation following an
epidemic or natural disaster that stops you
from travelling.
i. a Level 4 warning (“do not travel”) issued
by the Australian government on the website advising
against travel to or through a country which
forms a major part of your itinerary or
prevention of access by the Government of
the country in question. Such advice against
travel must be issued after you booked
your trip or purchased your policy from us,
whichever is the latter and still be in place
14 days prior to your scheduled travel to
the country in question for this section to
For cancellation pre-departure:
In the event you necessarily cancel your planned
trip due to any of the abovenoted reasons, you
are covered in respect of either (1) irrecoverable
deposits or payments made for unused travel and
accommodation paid in advance or contracted
to be paid; or (2) at our option, for the additional
costs for alternative transport incurred to travel
at a later date or by another route to reach your
For curtailment post-departure:
You are covered in respect of reasonable
additional costs for travel and accommodation, a
proportionate refund of unused and irrecoverable
travel bookings and the original value of unused
airfares which cannot be used excluding airfares
for an Insured Person to return to their normal
country of residence in the event you necessarily
curtail your trip due to any of the abovenoted
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. any expenses that would normally have been
incurred during your trip.
c. the first part of each and every claim as
shown in the Schedule of Cover (the Excess).
d. any claim arising out of pregnancy where
you are travelling against your doctor’s
advice and/or if expecting to give birth within
18 weeks of completing your trip and/or
pregnancy up to 22 weeks gestation at the
date the policy ends, where complications
exist relating to this pregnancy, it is a multiple
pregnancy and/or the pregnancy is the result
of assisted reproductive programmes.
e. any claim which results from any condition
or circumstance known to you at the time of
applying for insurance where this condition or
circumstance could reasonably be expected
to result in the cancellation or curtailment of
your trip.
f. any cost incurred in respect of visas required
in connection with the trip. The provision,
loss or subsequent replacement of visas or
passports, other than as specifically included
under Section 6 hereunder.
g. pre-travel innoculations.
h. your disinclination to travel or your loss of
1. Frequent flyer or similar flight reward
programmes – claims for points lost due to
the cancellation of your airline ticket will be
reimbursed based on the nominated cash
value for those points given by the reward
programme operator.
We will not provide cover if the loss of such
points or their value can be recovered from
any other source.
2. It is a requirement of this Insurance that if you
a. become aware of any circumstances which
make it necessary for you to cancel your trip
prior to departure, you must advise your travel
providers in writing within 48 hours. The maximum
amount we will pay will be limited to the
applicable cancellation charges at that time.
b. wish to return home differently to your
original plans and claim any additional costs
under this insurance, you must contact our
nominated emergency service and obtain
their agreement to the new arrangements.
Failure to do so may affect the assessment of
your claim.
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Cancellation fees, loss of deposit & curtailment $7,500
Overseas emergency medical expenses

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for necessary and reasonable costs incurred as a result of your bodily injury, illness or death during your trip in respect of:-
a. emergency medical, surgical and hospital treatment and transportation. At the sole discretion of Underwriters and their representatives, who reserve the right to make the final decision as to whether or not it is medically necessary, this also includes the cost of repatriation to your normal country of residence, by whatever means deemed medically necessary. The cost of emergency dental treatment to natural teeth is covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover provided that it is only for the immediate relief of pain.
b. additional travel and accommodation expenses (to a level comparable with your pre-booked travel and accommodation) to enable you to return home if you are unable to continue your trip as originally planned
and where your return home is certified by a doctor to be strictly necessary on medical grounds.
c. additional travel and accommodation expenses (comparable with your pre-booked travel and accommodation) in circumstances where it is not medically necessary for you to return home but where you are certified medically unfit to travel and/or continue your trip as originally planned. Such costs must be additional and where your illness/injury causes you to lose the benefit of prepaid accommodation elsewhere.
d. additional travel and accommodation expenses (to a level comparable with your pre-booked travel and accommodation) for:
i. a travelling companion to stay with you and accompany you home where their presence is certified by a doctor to be strictly necessary on medical grounds; or
ii. a relative or friend to travel from your normal country of residence to stay with you and accompany you home where their presence is certified by a doctor to be strictly necessary on medical grounds.
e. returning your remains to your home or a funeral in the country where you died, up to the equivalent cost of returning your remains to your normal country of residence.
The maximum payable under parts d and e is $50,000.
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. the first part of each and every claim as shown in the Schedule of Cover (the Excess).
c. any claim arising out of pregnancy where you are travelling against your doctor’s advice and/or if expecting to give birth within 18 weeks of completing your trip and/or pregnancy up to 22 weeks gestation at the date the policy ends, where complications exist relating to this pregnancy, it is a multiple pregnancy and/or the pregnancy is the result of assisted reproductive programmes.
d. any treatment or surgery
i. which is not immediately necessary and can wait until you return home.
ii. which in the opinion of our nominated emergency service is considered to be cosmetic, experimental, preventive or elective.
iii. carried out in your normal country of residence or more than 12 months from the date of the accident or commencement of illness.
iv. which is not obtained within the terms of any reciprocal health agreements, wherever such agreements exist.
e. exploratory tests unless they are normally conducted as a direct result of the condition which required referral to medical facilities.
f. claims related to manual and/or hazardous labour unless declared to and accepted by us.
g. the additional cost of accommodation in a single or private room, unless it is medically necessary or there is no alternative.
h. the continued treatment, investigation or medication of a condition that existed or was being treated prior to departure.
i. the cost of installing, replacing or repairing false teeth, crowns and bridges or dental work involving the use of precious metals.
j. additional accommodation expenses where you claim under Section 1 for forfeited accommodation in the corresponding period due to the injury/illness giving rise to your claim.

1. If you are admitted to hospital and you are likely to remain in hospital for more than 24 hours, you must contact our nominated emergency service immediately. If you do not, this could mean we will provide no cover or we could reduce the amount we pay for medical expenses. If you receive medical treatment overseas and costs are likely to
exceed A$1,000, or the equivalent in local currency, you must notify our nominated emergency service.
2. If you have to return to your normal country of residence under section 1 (Cancellation and Curtailment), or section 2 (Emergency Overseas Medical Expenses) our nominated emergency service must authorise this. If
they do not, this could mean that we will not provide cover or we may reduce the amount we pay for your return home.
3. Wherever possible you must use medical facilities that entitle you to the benefits of any reciprocal health agreements.
4. We reserve the right to repatriate you to your normal country of residence when, in the opinion of the doctor in attendance and our medical advisers, you are fit to travel.
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and Conditions of this policy.

Overseas emergency medical expenses $10,000,000
Emergency dental expenses $500
Additional expenses $50,000
Hospital cash

You are covered if you are receiving in-patient
hospital treatment in a country outside of your
normal country of residence for more than 48
hours for a benefit payment of $150 for the
subsequent 24 hour period and a further $150
for each subsequent and complete 24 hour
period up to the maximum shown in the Schedule
of Cover. This benefit is only available where
your claim has been accepted under section 2
(Medical and other expenses) of this policy.
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. any claim which is excluded under the
Exclusions applicable to section 2 or where
you have not complied with relevant policy
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Hospital cash $5,000
Permanent disability benefit

You are covered in addition to any medical
expenses claim paid under Section 2 for the
amount shown in the Schedule of Cover if you
have an Accident whilst you are on your trip and
which is the sole and independent cause of your
death, Permanent Total Disablement, Loss of
Sight or Loss of Limb(s) within 12 months of the
Payment under this section in respect of all the
consequences of an Accident shall be limited
in total to the amount shown in the Schedule
of Cover. In the event of your death within 12
months of the Accident, the total payment will be
limited to the amount shown for death.
Permanent Total Disablement means that for
the twelve months following your Accident you
are totally unable to work in any occupation for
which you are suited by experience, education
or training and at the end of that time there is no
prospect of improvement.
Loss of Limb(s) means complete physical loss
of a hand or foot or complete loss of use of a
hand, arm, foot or leg.
Loss of Sight means complete and permanent
loss of sight in one or both eyes.
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. claims resulting from motorcycling and quad
c. claims arising out of manual and/or hazardous
d. claims arising out of disease, illness, self
injury or natural causes.
e. claims arising out of surgery unless as a
direct result of the Accident.
f. a claim for “Permanent Total Disablement” if
at the date of the Accident you are over the
statutory retirement age and are not in full
time paid employment.
Aggregate Liability
a. Except as stated below, Our total liability for
all claims arising under the Policy during any
one (1) Period of Insurance shall not exceed
b. In the event that claims are made under the
Policy which exceed the above Aggregate
Limits of Liability, We shall reduce the
payments made with respect to each
Covered Person in such manner as We
may determine. Any determination as to the
amount payable in these circumstances shall
be made at Our entire discretion and shall
not be the subject of any challenge of any
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Permanent disability benefit $25,000
Accidental death benefit

$100,000 for non-income earners.

Cover can be increased to $200,000 - please email us at for more info.

You are covered in addition to any medical
expenses claim paid under Section 2 for the
amount shown in the Schedule of Cover if you
have an Accident whilst you are on your trip and
which is the sole and independent cause of your
death, Permanent Total Disablement, Loss of
Sight or Loss of Limb(s) within 12 months of the
Payment under this section in respect of all the
consequences of an Accident shall be limited
in total to the amount shown in the Schedule
of Cover. In the event of your death within 12
months of the Accident, the total payment will be
limited to the amount shown for death.
Permanent Total Disablement means that for
the twelve months following your Accident you
are totally unable to work in any occupation for
which you are suited by experience, education
or training and at the end of that time there is no
prospect of improvement.
Loss of Limb(s) means complete physical loss
of a hand or foot or complete loss of use of a
hand, arm, foot or leg.
Loss of Sight means complete and permanent
loss of sight in one or both eyes.
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. claims resulting from motorcycling and quad
c. claims arising out of manual and/or hazardous
d. claims arising out of disease, illness, self
injury or natural causes.
e. claims arising out of surgery unless as a
direct result of the Accident.
f. a claim for “Permanent Total Disablement” if
at the date of the Accident you are over the
statutory retirement age and are not in full
time paid employment.
Aggregate Liability
a. Except as stated below, Our total liability for
all claims arising under the Policy during any
one (1) Period of Insurance shall not exceed
b. In the event that claims are made under the
Policy which exceed the above Aggregate
Limits of Liability, We shall reduce the
payments made with respect to each
Covered Person in such manner as We
may determine. Any determination as to the
amount payable in these circumstances shall
be made at Our entire discretion and shall
not be the subject of any challenge of any
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Accidental death benefit $75,000
Accidental death benefit (under 18 years) $20,000
Baggage and personal effects

You are covered up to the amounts shown in the
Schedule of Cover, after making reasonable
allowance for wear, tear and depreciation for the
loss, theft or damage to:
a. your Personal Effects.
b. your Valuables. (see note below)
You are also covered up to the amount shown in
the Schedule of Cover in respect of Emergency
Purchases for the reasonable cost of buying
immediate necessities if your luggage is lost,
misdirected or misplaced by a Travel Carrier for
at least 24 hours on an outward leg of your trip.
You must provide original receipts for the items
that you buy. If your baggage is permanently
lost, any amount that we pay for Emergency
Purchases will be deducted from the total claim.
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. the first part of each and every claim as
shown in the Schedule of Cover (the Excess)
except for Emergency Purchases claims.
c. more than the amount shown in the Schedule
of Cover for any one item, pair or set in
respect of Personal Effects and Valuables.
d. any additional value an item may have had
because it formed part of a pair or set.
travel insurance – combined product disclosure statement, policy wording AND financial services guide - version 1 8
8 Missed Departure/Connection
7 Travel Delay And Abandonment Of Trip
6 Personal Money, Travel Tickets & Passport
9 Hijack Benefit
e. breakage of fragile articles unless caused by
fire or by an accident to the aircraft, ship or
vehicle in which they are being carried.
f. any claim for loss, theft or damage to
valuables (except musical instruments that
are packed in appropriate carrier approved
protection) which have been checked-in
and/or transported in the cargo hold of
any aircraft, ship, bus, ferry, train or similar
g. loss or theft of or damage to
i. household goods, bicycles, waterborne
craft and their fittings of any kind.
ii. motor vehicles, trailers or caravans or any
fixtures, fittings or accessories therein or
iii. watersports and snow sport equipment.
iv. contact or corneal lenses, dentures and
hearing aids.
v. business or professional goods, equipment
and samples.
vi. property hired or loaned to you.
vii. Personal Effects, Valuables or baggage
in transit unless reported to the carrier
immediately and a written Property Irregularity
Report is obtained.
viii. Personal Effects sent by post, freight or
any other form of unaccompanied transit.
ix. sports clothes and equipment whilst in use.
x. damage or loss caused by moth or vermin,
atmospheric or weather conditions or by
gradual wear and tear in normal use.
h. damage caused by any process of cleaning,
repair, restoration or alteration.
i. damage caused by leakage of powder or fluid
from containers carried in your baggage.
j. mechanical or electrical breakdown or
k. more than $100 in respect of non-prescription
sunglasses unless substantiated by the
original purchase receipt predating the loss.
l. any GST liability or any fine, charge or penalty
for which you are liable because of a failure to
fully disclose your input tax credit entitlement
to us.
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Special exclusions applicable to Sections 5
and 6
You are not covered for
a. more than $250 in total under these sections
in respect of loss or theft of Personal Effects
left unattended in a public place, including on
a beach.
b. loss or theft of Valuables, Personal Money,
Passport and/or any item valued over $250
unless reported to the police or other relevant
authority within 24 hours of discovering the
loss and a written report obtained.
c. Valuables, Passport and Personal Money
stolen from an unattended motor vehicle,
motor home, camper van or caravan.
d. loss or theft or damage to Valuables,
pass-ports and / or Personal Money which
have been left behind, left unattended in a
public place (which includes dormitory type
accommodation which may be shared with
persons not in your immediate travel party)
or otherwise outside your immediate control
and supervision unless in a locked hotel
safe (or equivalent facility) or locked in your
private accommodation other than any motor
vehicle, motor home, camper van or caravan
irrespective of whether such vehicle is acting
as your private accomodation.
e. loss of bonds or securities of any kind.
f. delay, detention, seizure or confiscation by
customs or other officials.
g. unauthorized use of travellers cheques and/or
credit cards/debit cards.
Special conditions applicable to Sections 5
and 6
It is a requirement of this insurance that:
a. in the event of a claim, you must retain any
damaged items for our inspection, and
provide receipts or other documentation to
prove ownership and value, especially in
respect of Valuables and any item for which
you are claiming more than $250. Where this
is not done our maximum liability in respect of
all Valuables and / or items valued more than
$250, will be limited to $250 in total.
b. you take care of your property at all times and
take all practical steps to recover any item lost
or stolen. Failure to exercise all reasonable
care may result in your claim being reduced
or declined.
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

The valuables limit is increased to $2,000 in respect of a camera, video camera, laptop, notebook
or hand held computer. Musical instruments are covered up to $1,000.


Baggage and personal effects $5,000
Total limit for valuables $750
Maximum per item, pair or set $500
Luggage delay expenses $250
Travel documents, money & traveller's cheques

(Cover under this section in respect of Personal
Money starts at the time of collection from the
Bank, 72 hours prior to departure or issue of this
policy, whichever is the later.)
You are covered up to the amount shown in the
Schedule of Cover for:
a. theft of Personal Money.
b. loss, theft or damage to Passport or Visas in
respect of the cost of emergency replacement
or temporary passport or visas obtained whilst
abroad including reasonable and receipted
travelling and additional accommodation
expenses to obtain these documents.
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. the first part of each and every claim as
shown in the Schedule of Cover (the Excess).
c. more than the amount shown in the Schedule
of Cover in respect of all cash carried by you
whoever it may belong to.
d. any loss resulting from shortages due to error,
omission or depreciation in value.
Special exclusions applicable to Sections 5
and 6
You are not covered for
a. more than $250 in total under these sections
in respect of loss or theft of Personal Effects
left unattended in a public place, including on
a beach.
b. loss or theft of Valuables, Personal Money,
Passport and/or any item valued over $250
unless reported to the police or other relevant
authority within 24 hours of discovering the
loss and a written report obtained.
c. Valuables, Passport and Personal Money
stolen from an unattended motor vehicle,
motor home, camper van or caravan.
d. loss or theft or damage to Valuables,
pass-ports and / or Personal Money which
have been left behind, left unattended in a
public place (which includes dormitory type
accommodation which may be shared with
persons not in your immediate travel party)
or otherwise outside your immediate control
and supervision unless in a locked hotel
safe (or equivalent facility) or locked in your
private accommodation other than any motor
vehicle, motor home, camper van or caravan
irrespective of whether such vehicle is acting
as your private accomodation.
e. loss of bonds or securities of any kind.
f. delay, detention, seizure or confiscation by
customs or other officials.
g. unauthorized use of travellers cheques and/or
credit cards/debit cards.
Special conditions applicable to Sections 5
and 6
It is a requirement of this insurance that:
a. in the event of a claim, you must retain any
damaged items for our inspection, and
provide receipts or other documentation to
prove ownership and value, especially in
respect of Valuables and any item for which
you are claiming more than $250. Where this
is not done our maximum liability in respect of
all Valuables and / or items valued more than
$250, will be limited to $250 in total.
b. you take care of your property at all times and
take all practical steps to recover any item lost
or stolen. Failure to exercise all reasonable
care may result in your claim being reduced
or declined.
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Travel documents, money & traveller's cheques $5,000
Cash $500
Cash (under 18 years) $250
Travel delay benefit

You are covered if the arrival of the public
transport on which you are booked to travel is
delayed by at least 6 hours for a benefit payment
of $75 for the first 6 hours and a further $50 for
each subsequent and complete 12 hour period
up to the maximum shown in the Schedule of
However, if your departure is delayed for more
than 24 hours and you choose to abandon
your trip in its entirety, you are covered for the
irrecoverable cost of the trip, up to the maximum
claimable under the Abandonment of Trip Sub-
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. for the first part of each and every claim for
Abandonment as shown in the Schedule of
Cover (the Excess).
c. for a claim caused by an event, occurrence
or strike if it had started or been announced
before you arranged this insurance or booked
your trip, whichever is the latter.
d. if you fail to check-in on time.
e. if transport services are withdrawn as the
result of a recommendation or instruction from
a Government Authority.
f. any claim under this section if you have also
claimed under section 8 from the same cause.
a. You must provide a written report from the
carrier, Police or relevant transport authority
confirming the delay and stating its cause.
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Travel delay benefit $1,000
Alternative transport expenses

You are covered up to the amount shown in the
Schedule of Cover for necessary additional
accommodation and travel expenses that you
incur in reaching your destination if you arrive at
any departure point shown on your pre-booked
itinerary too late to board the public transport on
which you are booked to travel as a result of:
a. the failure of public transport, or
b. a road traffic accident or vehicle breakdown
delaying the vehicle in which you are
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. a claim caused by an event, occurrence or
strike if it had started or been announced
before you arranged this insurance or booked
your trip, whichever is the latter.
c. any claim under this section if you have also
claimed under Section 7 from the same cause.
d. any claim for more than the cost of the original
booked trip.
It is a condition of this insurance that you must:
a. plan to arrive at your departure point in
advance of the carrier’s earliest scheduled
check-in time and provide a written report
from the carrier, Police or relevant transport
authority confirming the delay and stating its
b. obtain a report from repairers if your claim is
because of breakdown or accident to your car.
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Alternative transport expenses $5,000
Hijack benefit

You are covered up to the amount shown ($75
per day) in the Schedule of Cover for each full
24-hour period that the public transport in which
you are travelling is hijacked on the original prebooked
outward or return journey for a period in
excess of 24 hours.
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. any claim resulting from you acting in a way
travel insurance – combined product disclosure statement, policy wording AND financial services guide - version 1 9
11 Car Rental Excess Waiver
12 Personal Liability
10 Kidnap And Ransom
which could cause a claim under this section.
Special condition
It is a condition of the cover provided under this
section that you must give us a written statement
from an appropriate authority confirming the
hijack and how long it lasted.
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Hijack benefit $5,000
Kidnap & ransom

You are covered up to the amount shown in the
Schedule of Cover for certain ransom / extortion
monies and other amounts if you are the subject
of a covered Kidnapping or Extortion whilst on an
insured trip.
You are also covered for
1. loss due to destruction, disappearance,
seizure or usurpation of Extortion/Ransom
Monies while being delivered to a person
demanding those monies by anyone who
is authorised by the you to have custody
thereof, provided however, that the Kidnap
or Extortion which gave rise to the delivery is
insured hereunder; and
2. the amount paid by you for Expenses
resulting directly from a Kidnap or Extortion
occurring during the Period of Insurance and;
3. reasonable costs of retaining independent
security consultants for the exclusive function
of investigating the Kidnap, negotiating the
your release, paying any ransom or recovery
of you provided that We have given Our prior
written consent to the use of such consultants.
4. the payments in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above
shall be inclusive of and not in addition to,
the benefit amount shown in the Schedule of
Expenses means any of the following:
1. reasonable payment made by you to a person
providing information which leads to the arrest
of the individuals responsible for a Kidnap or
Extortion insured hereunder;
2. reasonable and customary loan costs
incurred by you from a financial institution
providing money to be used for payment of
Extortion/Ransom Monies;
3. reasonable and customary travel and
accommodation costs incurred by you as a
result of a Kidnap or Extortion; of a Kidnap or
Extortion for up to:
a. thirty (30) days after your release from a
b. discovery of your death; or
c. one hundred and twenty (120) days after
you receive the last credible evidence that the
insured is still alive; or
d. sixty (60) months from the date of the
Kidnap, if the victim has not been released.
4. personal financial loss suffered by you;
5. your travel costs if are the victim of a Kidnap
to join your immediate family upon your
release. Travel costs will be at economy fare;
6. reasonable and customary fees and
expenses of a qualified interpreter assisting
you in the event of a Kidnap or Extortion; and
7. any other reasonable and customary
expenses incurred by you with Our prior
approval in resolving a Kidnap or Extortion
insured hereunder.
Extortion means to intimidate by a threat or
series of threats to Kidnap or cause bodily injury.
Extortion/Ransom Monies means a
consideration paid for the return of a Kidnap
victim or consideration paid to terminate or
end an Extortion, to a person believed to be
responsible for the Kidnap or Extortion and
includes but is not limited to cash, securities,
marketable goods or services, property or
monetary instruments.
Kidnap means the illegal abduction and holding
hostage of one or more Covered Persons for the
purpose of demanding Extortion/Ransom Monies
as a condition of release. A Kidnap in which more
than one Covered Person is abducted shall be
considered a single Kidnap.

Kidnap & ransom $250,000
Kidnap & ransom (under 18 years) $20,000
Rental vehicle excess

You are covered up to the amount shown in the
Schedule of Cover for reimbursement of car

rental insurance excess or the cost of repairing
the rental car, whichever is the lower amount, if
you rent a car from a rental company and it is
involved in a Motor Car Accident whilst you are
the driver or it is stolen during the journey. You
must provide a copy of the repair account and/
or quotation.
This cover does not take the place of rental
car insurance and only provides cover in
respect of damage to the hire car for which you
are legally liable up to the applicable section
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. any claim arising directly or indirectly from
you operating a rental car in violation of
the rental agreement or whilst affected by
alcohol or any other drug with the exception
of medically prescribed drugs used in
accordance with dosage and directions
provided to you by your medical practitioner.
c. any claim arising directly or indirectly from
wear, tear, gradual deterioration, insects and
vermin, willful damage by you or latent defect/
d. any claim resulting from your use of the car
without an appropriate licence.
e. any claims arising directly or indirectly from
you hiring a motorcycle, scooter, motor home
or camper van.
f. any claims arising solely from damage to
windows, windscreen or tyres.
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Rental vehicle excess $5,000
Personal liability

You are covered up to the amount shown in the
Schedule of Cover, plus legal costs incurred with
our written consent, if you are held legally liable
for causing:
a. accidental bodily injury to someone else,
b. accidental loss or damage to someone else’s
property, including your temporary holiday
accommodation and its contents.
You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the
General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. the first part of each and every claim as
shown in the Schedule of Cover (the Excess).
c. any liability arising from loss or damage to
property that is
i. owned by you or a member of your family or
your travelling companion/s, or
ii. in your care, custody or control, other
than your temporary holiday accommodation
and its contents, not owned by you or a
member of your family or your travelling
d. any liability for bodily injury, loss or damage
i. to your employees or members of your
family or household or your travelling
companion/s or to their property.
ii. arising out of or in connection with your
trade, profession or business, or assumed
under contract.
iii. arising out of the ownership, possession,
use or occupation of land or buildings other
than temporary holiday accommodation.
iv. arising out of the ownership, possession or
use of motorised vehicles, yachts or motorised
waterborne craft, airborne craft of any
description, animals or firearms and weapons.
v. arising out of your criminal, malicious or
deliberate acts.
vi. arising out of dangerous sports or
pastimes including contact sports unless
declared to and accepted by Us.
If something happens that is likely to result in a
claim, you must immediately notify the claims
handlers in writing. You must not discuss or
negotiate your claim with any third party without
the written consent of the claims handlers. Any
related correspondence or documentation that you
receive must be sent immediately, unanswered, to
the claims handlers. Failure to comply with this
condition could prejudice your claim.
Please also refer to the General Exclusions and
Conditions of this policy.

Personal liability $7,500,000

An excess is the first amount payable in the event of a loss and so is the uninsured portion of your loss. This excess helps to prevent minor claims and it also deters fraudulent claims. It therefore helps to keep our premiums as low as possible. There is no excess under the following sections:

Hospital Cash

Permanent disability / Accidental death

Luggage delay expenses

Travel delay benefit

Alternative tranport expenses ( excess reduced to $50)

Hijack benefit

Kidnap & ransom

Rental vehicle excess waiver

You can pay an additional $30 per person to remove the excess.

Excess $135
Pre-existing medical conditions - click on ?

All travel insurance policies exclude cover for certain Pre-existing Medical Conditions. The GoSafe plan covers some Pre-existing Medical Conditions automatically for free, and others require an additional premium to be paid. There are some conditions that we unfortunately never cover.

Once you have taken out a policy, an insured person may be able to pay extra to cover their condition depending on what the condition is. To find out more, please go to our medical conditions page (will open in a new tab).

Pre-existing medical conditions - click on ? -
Sports & activities - click on ?

Sports/Leisure Activities
We provide cover for your amateur participation in a wide range of sports and leisure activities worldwide including whilst officially competing in individual and or team events up to amateur regional club level. Competing as a representative at state or national level competition may only be included after declaration to and acceptance by
Underwriters. Please note that there is no cover for your participation as a professional sportsman (i.e. where you the insured receives any form of remuneration for your participation in sport by way of wages, endorsements, sponsorship or prize monies) These activities which are automatically included are shown below:
Abseiling (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Adventure Racing, Angling, Archery, Athletics, Aussie Rules, Badminton, Bamboo Rafting, Banana Boating, Baseball, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Biathlon (non-snow), Biking, BMX riding (no stunts/obstacles), Boardsailing/Windsurfing, Bouldering (cover may be extended to
include this activity - please visit for details), Bowling, Bowls, Bridge Swinging, Bungee Jumping (to a maximum of two per person, per trip), Bushwalking, Camel Riding, Canoeing, Canyoning (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Catamaran Sailing (within territorial waters), Clay Pigeon Shooting, Climbing (indoor), Cricket, Cross Country Running, Curling, Cycling, Cyclo-Cross, Deep Sea Fishing, Dinghy Sailing, Diving (High Diving), Dog Sledding, Dragon Boat Racing (including international competition), Dry
Slope Skiing/Boarding, Elephant Trekking/Riding, Endurance Tests, Expeditions, Fell Running, Fell Walking, Fencing, Fishing, Fives, Floorball, Football (not American), Gaelic Football, Go-Karting, Golf, Gymnastics, Handball, Hiking up to 6,000m, Hockey, Horse Riding (excluding racing, jumping or competing) Hot Air Ballooning
(provided by a licenced commercial operator), Hurling, Ice Skating excluding Speed Skating, Inline Skating, Jet Boating, Jet Skiing, Jogging, Kayaking (up to grade 3 rivers ), Kendo, Kite Surfing, Lacrosse, Marathon Running, Martial Arts not involving intentional bodily contact, Modern Pentathlon, Motor Cycling (if you hold a current
and appropriate motorcycle licence), Mountain Biking (recreational), Mountaineering (cover may be extended to include this activity - please visit for details), Netball, Orienteering, Outdoor Endurance Events, Outrigging, Overland Trips, Paintballing (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Parachute Jumping - static line - (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Paragliding (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Parapenting (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Parasailing (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Parascending (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Pistol Shooting, Pony Trekking, Quad Biking, Racketball, Rackets, Rambling, Rap Jumping (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Reenacting (excludes use of live ammunition), Rifle Shooting, Ringos, Rock Climbing (cover may be extended to include this activity - please visit for details), Roller Blading, Roller Hockey, Rounders, Rowing, Rugby League (upon application), Rugby Union (upon application), Rugby Sevens (upon application), Running, Safari trekking (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Sail Boarding, Sailing/Yachting - recreational within territorial waters, Sand Dune surfing/skiing, Scrambling, Scuba Diving (up to 30m depth - see notes below), Sea Canoeing, Sea Kayaking, Shark Diving - in cage - (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Shinty, Shooting, Skate Boarding, Sky Diving - Tandem (provided by a licenced commercial operator), Snorkeling, Snow Sports Activities (see below), Soccer, Softball, Squash, Street Hockey, Summer Tobogganing, Surfing, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Tobogganing, Touch Football, Tramping, Trampolining, Trekking (up to 6,000m without ropes, picks or other specialist climbing equipment); Trekking - with ropes, picks or other specialist equipment (cover maybe extended to include this activity, please visit for details ); Triathlon, Tug-of-War, Via Ferrata (using established routes and fixed apparatus), Volleyball, Wakeboarding, Walking, War Games, Water Polo, Water Skiing, White Water Canoeing/ Rafting (up to and including Grade 4), Windsurfing, Zorbing.
However your participation in any activity not shown above is specifically excluded.
The following Snow Sports activities are covered, subject to you having entered the dates that you plan to participate in snow sports and these dates are shown in your certificate of insurance:
Back Country Skiing and Snowboarding*; Biathlon (ski); Snowcat Skiing/Boarding*; Cross Country Skiing; Glacier Skiing; Glacier Walking; Snow Monoskiing; Ski Randonee*; Ski Touring*; Skiing – snow (On Piste); Skiing (Off
Piste)*; Snowblading; Snowboarding (On Piste); Snowboarding (Off Piste)*. *These activities are covered subject to you indicating that you require “off-piste” cover when taking out your snow sport policy.

Scuba diving is covered subject to the restrictions shown in the General exclusions. In addition, snow sports, other than curling, tobogganing and recreational ice-skating, are not covered unless you have entered the dates when you plan to participate in snow sports and these dates are shown on your Certificate of Insurance. At no time,
however, is cover granted for ski, snow board, snow blade, or skibob racing in competitive events, ski jumping, ice-hockey or the use of skeletons or bobsleighs.

Sports & activities - click on ? -

The above is a summary of cover. The amounts payable are per insured person. The price shown is the total cost for the number of people shown in the quote. For full details, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Quick Quote >




Destination & Type of Cover Complete!

What type of cover are you looking for?

Single Trip: Please select this if you are planning a return or one way trip for a duration of up to 365 days in total.

School Group: Please select this if you are organising a school group study tour. 

Policy Type

Where are you travelling to?

Please select the region where you are travelling to: The countries covered under each region will appear when you select the region.

Travelling To

How many people should be covered?

Please select whether you are travelling as an individual, with your partner / friend (couple) ; as a family group where one of the children is under 18 years; as a group.


Travel Dates Complete!

I'd like my cover to start on

Please select the day that you commence your trip. You will be covered for claims that result in you having to cancel your trip before this date and therefore forfeit deposits paid - subject to the policy terms and conditions.

Cover Start Date

And it should end on

Please select the date that you plan to return back into Australia or if you are on a one way trip - the date that you will arrive in your final destination.

Cover End Date

Travellers planning to stay in the United States (not Canada) for 365 days or more: Following recent healthcare reforms in the United States we are unable to insure travellers who are planning to be in the United States (not Canada) for 365 days or more.

Will you be travelling to countries outside of the USA & Canada?

If you plan to visit the USA or Canada more than once during your trip, please calculate the total number of days you will be there. Then enter the date leaving USA or Canada as the total number of days from the date arriving. For example: You will be in the US from 1st March to 31st March (31 days) and 10th October to 26th October (17 days) = 48 days in total. So you would have a start date of 1st March and an end date of 17th April. Ie 48 days. You will receive your certificate in an email, so simply reply to the email advising the correct dates of travel within USA or Canada and we will endorse the policy accordingly. Following healthcare reforms in the US we cannot insure travellers who are planning to stay in the USA (not Canada) for 365 days or more.

Date arriving in USA/Canada

Date leaving USA/Canada

Travellers Complete!

In order to obtain the best value, you should include a least one adult in each policy. The maximum number of travellers we can insure under one quote/policy is 50. If you have more than 50 then you should obtain more than one quote but ensuring that there is an adult in each subsequent quote.

Please note that ages are at the date of obtaining the quote, not the date of travel.

Traveller's Age

We can insure travellers up to and including 80 years at the date of purchase. Please note it is age at date of purchase rather than at date of travel.


We can insure travellers up to and including 65 years at the date of purchase. Please note it is age at date of purchase rather than at date of travel.

Traveller's Age

We can insure travellers up to and including 80 years at the date of purchase. Please note it is age at date of purchase rather than at date of travel.


Adults 18-65 years

Children under 18 in a family

How many people should be covered?

We can insure travellers up to and including 65 years at the date of purchase. Please note it is age at date of purchase rather than at date of travel.

Adults 18 to 55 years

How many people should be covered?

We can insure travellers up to and including 65 years at the date of purchase. Please note it is age at date of purchase rather than at date of travel.

Adults 56 to 60 years

How many people should be covered?

We can insure travellers up to and including 65 years at the date of purchase. Please note it is age at date of purchase rather than at date of travel.

Adults 61 to 65 years

Adults 66 to 70 years

Adults 71 to 75 years

Adults 76 to 80 years

Your State